The Shadow macro will create vector based shadows of your CAD model.
Videos are available demonstrating its use with DataCAD and with Spirit 2016 (note that the macro does not work so reliably with recent Spirit versions)
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The macro's capabilities and limitations are set out below:
- Casts shadows of most entity types (but does not process DataCAD's 'smart' entities or Spirit's 'Architecture' entities).
- Calculates the appropriate sun angles for any date/time/location. (Also allows manual entry of altitude and azimuth).
- Save sun angles for future use without the need to re-enter any information.
- Cast shadows onto a polygon at any orientation, or onto a 'virtual horizontal surface' at a specified z-height.
- If casting onto a polygon, the shadow can be trimmed to the polygon surface, or else the polygon can be used to define an infinite plane.
- Shadows can optionally be created with solid fill (not optional when used with Spirit).
- Shadows are optionally created as polylines contained in a symbol with the symbol name indicating date/time/location.
- In DataCAD version 19.01 onwards the polylines can optionally be covered (which enables them to be rendered with O2C, Quickshader etc.)
- Optionally select colour and layer for shadow creation (always uses current colour and layer in Spirit).
- Limited to processing a maximum of 32,750 entities in each execution.
The shadow macro has been tested in DataCAD versions 11, & 19 thru 22. I believe that it will not run on versions 10 and prior.
Spirit Compatibility: This macro may work with Spirit, but appears to be unreliable with the more recent Spirit versions. No support is offered when using the macro with Spirit.
Get the macro
IMPORTANT: The ReadMe.txt file in the download contains a password that is required to unzip the remaining macro files.
Use the supplied password to unzip the macro files if you agree to the licence agreement that is included in the ReadMe file.
Download the macro
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(Source code is publicly available. See the DCAL resources page if you would like to download it.) |
Version History: v1.1.06 was initial public release. v1.1.07 released 17 Sep 2017 fixed problem where 2 ini files could be created resulting in some settings not being saved correctly.
v1.1.08 released 12 Nov 2017 fixed crash that occurred in some versions of DataCAD, fine tuned some messages, added colour & layer msg to main menu.
v1.1.09 released 16 Nov 2017 ensure Sun Position Calculator settings are saved, fixed potential error with shadows created within 1 second of each other.
v1.1.10 released 29 Nov 2017 fixed Suns-Eye View (was looking back at the Sun instead of from the sun).
v1.2.00 released 23 May 2018 included the following changes:
- Select shadow surface in any view (previously it forced you into plan view)
- Changes to the layer menu (you can now cancel without making a selection)
- Messages & key labels are stored in separate text files (making translation possible)
- Colour of created shadows is retained if you explode the symbols.
v1.2.01 released 28 Oct 2018 fixed display scaling problems that occured on hi-res monitors, and fixed a warning message that sometimes displayed (but did not effect functionality).
v1.2.03 released 6 Nov 2018 added toggle to determine if shadows are created as a symbol. Also made compatible with Spirit (with reduced functionality) and fixed a possible crash if the specified shadow layer was deleted.
v1.2.4.0 released 30 Aug 2022 made more compatible with Spirit (but not reliable with recent Spirit versions). Some fine-tuning of messages and generation of default abbreviation in the Sun Position Calculator.
v1.3.0.0 released 10 Sep 2022 added ability to use SunShader location data, to recall previously calculated locations and to scroll through more than 14 calculated positions in the Sun Position menu. Also some further fine-tuning of messages.
v1.3.1.0 released 28 Dec 2024 added ability to select complete layers to cast shadows of. Also some further fine-tuning of messages.
v1.3.2.1 released 10 Feb 2025 All shadows are now created as Symbols (removed option that allowed them to be created as a group of individual entities due to a bug found in that logic).
David Henderson ABN 96 233 774 156