A brief description of each macro is shown below. Click on a macro name for more details and a download link for that macro. The products on this site have been designed for use with DataCAD. Some of my products may also be compatible with Spirit: A small amount of testing has been done with Spirit, and a note regarding Spirit compatibility has been included towards the bottom of the page for each macro.
Extrude macro will extrude a section profile along a defined path. Shadow macro calculates shadows cast onto specified surface (designed for sunshine/shade analysis rather than rendering). Shadow Analysis macro is used to analyse shadows on a surface throughout the year and to see the increase in shading caused by new structures. Spaces and Space Planner macros assist in the allocation and reporting of spaces in your design and can automatically update room labels as spaces are changed. NonPlanar macro is used to triangulate 4 sided non-planar polygons. It was written to allow processing non-planar polygons created by the Extrude macro, but can equally be used to process 4 sided non-planar convex polygons created in other ways. TextMan and Text Replace macros offer various options to find/replace/manipulate text. Zd displays the z distance (between zBase & zHeight of current layer). Cover is used to turn selected polyline covers on/off. dhBox will easily draw rectangular boxes with options such as diagonals or rounded corners. dhSave automatically saves a date/time stamped copy of your drawing. Layer Maker can create layers with various options including copying or offsetting existing layers. Poly Edge Hide facilitates the hiding and unhiding of polygon edges. Offset allows various entity types to be created at an offset to the actual points entered. Attribute Manager may be useful to other developers to examine or update attributes. Macros being contemplated for future development include a Vehicle Swept Path macro. |